
Get the latest updates, some fun facts, and all things tech for the world of Consumer Product Goods. We bring to you a combination of technological advancements coupled with AI ML-powered algorithms to boost your sales.

Taming the Bullwhip: An Exploration of the Supply Chain Ripple Effect

The bullwhip effect is a term used in supply chain management to describe how minor changes in consumer demand at the retail level can cause significant…

5 Must-Haves in Your Van Sales Software

Van Sales Automation software can help consumer goods companies maximize outcomes from van sales operations by improving visibility…

Impact of Van Sales on Consumer Goods Categories

In our previous blog, we discussed ways for consumer goods companies to maximize ROI and achieve improved sales with van sales automation…

Van Sales Software for Improved Order and Delivery Management

The Middle Eastern markets flourish and thrive on van sales businesses. The CAGR of commercial vehicles in the Middle East has been growing at about…

6 Factors to Consider for Your Distribution Management Strategy

Distributor Management Systems (DMS) are fundamental to the route-to-market strategy of any consumer goods company. A comprehensive distributor system…

Distribution Software & Digital Transformation in 2023

The pandemic helped businesses adopt digital transformation much faster than predicted, and the ultimate goal of digital transformation is for the organization…

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