
Get the latest updates, some fun facts, and all things tech for the world of Consumer Product Goods. We bring to you a combination of technological advancements coupled with AI ML-powered algorithms to boost your sales.

Digital Transformation with Distribution Management Systems to Improve Bottomline

Change Management is challenging to implement across any organization with many operational processes, just like any CPG company…

Optimize Shelf Assortment with Computer Vision in Retail Execution 

BCG’s studies show that the retail industry will reach $1.3 trillion by 2025, pointing toward increasing demand for retail spaces. Retail spaces are expensive…

7 Reasons to Switch to Cloud Distribution Management Systems in 2023

Distribution Management Sytems are integral in supplementing secondary sales for consumer goods companies. Distribution supply chains move products…

The Evolution of Retail Execution: From Pen & Paper to Image Recognition Technology

Consumer Goods companies sell their products primarily through retail outlets, and for better sales of their products, the companies execute…

Perfect Store Execution to Boost Sales for Consumer Goods

Walking into a store and finding all the products from your grocery list is no luck. Many people and numerous hours of planning and strategizing…

Drive Digital Transformation With Distributor Management Software

According to research by the International Data Corporation (IDC), global spending on digital transformation itself will reach a staggering $6.8 trillion by 2023…

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