
Get the latest updates, some fun facts, and all things tech for the world of Consumer Product Goods. We bring to you a combination of technological advancements coupled with AI ML-powered algorithms to boost your sales.

Image Recognition: A New Outlook to Merchandising Precision and Efficacy

What if merchandisers could take a picture of a product display and find recommendations to optimize that display all within a few minutes? One image can identify the number of products…

Top 5 Applications of Augmented Reality to Give Your Consumer Goods Brand an Edge

Consumer goods businesses are busy finding newer ways to stand apart from the competition, grab consumers’ attention, and offer an immersive and stimulating experience with their brands…

5 Reasons to Choose Automation for Distribution in the Beverage Industry

Coca-Cola has a global brand value of 71 billion USD, while Pepsico has a global brand value of 33 billion USD. These companies have over 200+ bottling partners across the globe and the enormity…

Trade Promotions Best Practices for Consumer Goods

A study by Nielsen indicates that the consumer goods companies across the globe have doubled the amount of money they spend on trade promotions, and today about $1 trillion is spent annually…

Maximize your ROI With Van Sales Automation

Van Sales is the backbone of the consumer goods supply chain, and many distributors have van sellers on the move, visiting retailers with physical catalogs and taking orders…

Leveraging the Power of Direct Store Delivery for your Business

The Consumer Goods industry has an ever-evolving supply chain, and Direct Store Delivery (DSD) is a strategic focus of most consumer goods companies…

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