Ivy Mobility’s response to COVID 19

COVID-19 gave a reality check to most businesses across the globe with almost everyone’s BCP falling flat. We were all prepared for a natural calamity or an accident but never for a global pandemic at this scale. Though it put everyone at the backfoot, almost everyone bounced back quickly coming up with strategies to ensure continuity of operations. Ivy Mobility was one among them to quickly adopt a new BCP plan and start remote operations at Mumbai and Bangalore followed by Chennai ensuring the safety of our people while ensuring services are not affected.

Any unprecedented situation will throw up significant challenges both from operations front and people front. We anticipated a few challenges in keeping our associates productive and being connected, however, we looked at each challenge as an opportunity to support our associates and came up with few initiatives to address those areas.

Counter misinformation

The first problem we wanted to solve was to counter misinformation being spread through various social media channels, this was creating a lot of anxiety. To crack the fear among Ivyers about the pandemic, we organized a webinar delivered by a leading doctor who clarified all the doubts raised by our employees. We also send frequent emails that educate Ivyers about COVID-19 along with tips to stay safe and how to manage the new normal of 100% remote teams.

Connect, empathize, and help

People managers have actively been connecting with each and every employee to understand their challenges individually, empathize with them, and help solve them. While doing this, we understood that they were facing a bunch of challenges when working from home. To crack this, we organized expert-driven webinars and discussions on staying efficient while working from home which acted as an eye-opener for many employees. The webinar covered setting up a home workspace, work-life balance, time management, and productivity hacks.

Breaking the Monotony

At Ivy, we strongly believe in a healthy work-life balance. We also believe in having fun at work. We organized an online gaming tournament and this was a resounding success with a great turnout. We have also organized a stress management program to ensure that our employees stayed healthy mentally as well as physically.

Get Feedback

We conducted frequent surveys to understand the personal well-being of our employees, their feedback on digital tools, the challenges they face while working remotely, and their perception of productivity and work-life balance. The results of this study are helping us organize targeted initiatives to address a few of the problem areas.

Skill Development

We have initiated an organization-wide learning program called Skillathon. This gamifies the learning experience with tangible rewards. With this, we are encouraging Ivyers to skill up across different domains and retain our culture of learning while working. The Skillathon focuses on a wide range of subjects and this has been gamified to excite more people to actively participate.


Remote working also gives a lot of time to think/ideate and we wanted to provide a platform to give shape to those ideas. This hackathon will certainly motivate our employees to think out of the box. Who knows? We may even get our next product from this!


It is important for everyone in the organization to know and understand what we do. This initiative invites people to participate in the quiz stitched around Product, CPG domain, customers, security policies, Organization policies, etc.

In a nutshell, Ivyers are staying safe, connected, and serving customers like always.

Like every other function in any organization, this pandemic is posing a unique set of challenges to the People function at Ivy that we never anticipated. It is a learning curve and we are excited about tackling this challenge and giving our employees the best experience as always!

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